Connect your shop’s 2Performant account with Aqurate.

Provided by:

Expected duration: 5 minutes ⏳

Technical complexity: low

<aside> 📌 Prerequisites

  1. An Aqurate account (get it at
  2. A 2Performant account.


<aside> ⚠️ 2Performant does not currently support an OAuth flow (API documentation available here), so your username and password are used for the integration. This data is stored as per our Privacy Policy.


Step 1

Email us at [email protected] with the subject line “2Performant”

Step 2

Follow the instructions in the reply, they will take you through sharing your 2Performant credentials with in a secure manner.

Step 3

You’re done! Please note that it might take up to 24 hours to see your data in Aqurate.